Can You Tell Me How Many Billable Hours This Might Take To Fix?

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Can You Tell Me How Many Billable Hours This Might Take To Fix?

No one wants to find out that it took 9 hours at $60/hour to fix a particular computer problem when a brand new budget PC might be had for half the final bill.

Having at least some idea of how much the grand total will be is important.


Dr. Andrés Patricio Palma Stange

Dr. Andrés Patricio Palma Stange

Bleeding from the tongue is not a good sign if that is the exact location of bleeding as per your description.

If the bleeding is actually from the gums it can be corrected by cleaning of the teeth.

You should visit a dentist as soon as possible so that the exact cause of this bleeding can be identified and the right treatment can be instituted

Alternatively you can post clinical pictures of the affected areas on for an online consultation with a specialist. 


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